Words of Grace – Your Weekend Prayers

Words of Grace – Your Weekend Prayers

We shouldn’t wait until we run out of words to start praying, but sometimes we do. So much is happening in our personal lives and in our world that calls for us to speak. God gave us truth and tongues, so we should speak. But the truth is that the world needs more than our words. Our words are not enough, nor do we have enough of them, to bring God’s grace, truth, and glory to bear on the problems of our day. Our hope is in the Lord. So, we pray.

Are we praying today? Are we praying, not because we have run out of words, or because we are too lazy or afraid to speak, but because we know that God’s intervention of grace and truth is the need of the day?

Christians, let us pray. Before, while, and after we speak, let us pray. Let all our speech be guided by prayer. Let our praying continue even when we can’t find our words. Let’s not fail to pray when our words fail to heal and help.

This weekend, pray for the people, by name, who you know to be struggling, suffering, or sinning. Pray for those in doubt, depression, and despair. Pray for the anxious. Pray for those who are experiencing new levels of growth and joy. Pray for people serving and contributing to the good of others. Pray for the sick and those who need a job. Let’s make it our practice to pray for specific people with specific needs. Carry people in your heart and include them in your prayers as you read the Bible and think of them throughout the day.

This weekend, pray for Grace Community Church. Pray that our life together will bring glory to God and grace to people. Pray for our ministries of teaching, discipling, caring, and worship. Pray that we will do everything in our power to be a safe place for all people and a place of protection for our children and youth. Pray that no one will be harmed in our midst and that we will care for the afflicted among us. Pray for the preaching of the gospel to be with power, and that many people will be born again and brought into the kingdom of God. Pray that our church will be like a tree firmly planted by a stream of water, bearing the fruit of the Spirit.

This weekend, pray for our nation. People need Christ. Churches proclaim Christ. Repentance and faith are the way to Christ. Politicians, public servants, and all the people in this nation are accountable to Christ. As christians, let us view, speak about, and pray for our nation in relation to Christ.

Whether we are called upon to speak little or much, let’s all join Jesus for one hour in prayer this weekend.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday.
