Words of Grace – What to Do the First Week of Future Grace

Words of Grace – What to Do the First Week of Future Grace

The Future Grace Giving Campaign is here. During this first week, I encourage you to engage in two ways – inform yourself and pray.

Future Grace is a giving campaign, and we will take an offering and make a pledge. But more than that, this is a season for spiritual growth. So, before you think about what to give, take time to think about God’s glory, the future, and the mission of the local church. Take time to pray.

First, inform yourself.
If you haven’t listened to the Future Grace presentation from last Sunday evening, you can listen to it online. This thirty-five-minute overview will help you understand the “what, why, and how” of this campaign.

Read the Future Grace brochure. The vision, mission, opportunity, and plan for this campaign and the next building phase are presented in the brochure. You will see the big picture behind this project. You can get a copy of the brochure Sunday in the Gathering Hall, or view this information on the Future Grace website.

Attend the Money, The Material World, and The Glory of God study on Sunday morning at either 9:30am or 11:00am.

Attend the Future Grace Q&A Session on Sunday evening at 5:30pm. You can ask questions about the mission of Grace, the new building plans, finances, and the giving campaign.

Second, pray.
Any decision to participate in giving is reason to pray. Giving is a spiritual matter. By giving, we are being stewards of the resources God has given us. Giving calls for vision, faith, and commitment. Giving touches our hearts and can lead to growth and joy. That’s why we should pray before we give.

Use the Future Grace Prayer Guide. We are praying through the book of Ephesians this month because the purpose for this campaign and new building is to serve the health and mission of the church. This is the focus of the prayer guide.

As you pray this month, think about keeping a journal of the ways God is growing your vision and faith. God is at work in the process of discerning how to give. Pay close attention to how he is working.

Here are specific requests you can ask God to grant us during this month.

  • That we will all grow spiritually.
  • That we will deepen our commitment to the work of God through the local church.
  • That individuals and families will grow in financial management and stewardship.
  • That we will walk in faith as we face spiritual opposition.
  • That God will supply everything we need to accomplish his purpose for our church.
  • That we will continue to be a growing congregation for a growing city.
  • That we will have great joy in doing what God calls us to do for his glory.

It will be tempting to think that Future Grace is only about giving money, and then to wait until the weekend of the offering and pledge to think about what to give. This season in your life and in our congregation is about so much more. Let me encourage you to engage now in Future Grace by getting informed and praying.

This Sunday, we will talk about the evidence of God’s grace in a congregation that brings glory to him. If you want to prepare for the sermon, read chapter one of 1 Thessalonians.
