Making the God Connection in Life

Making the God Connection in Life

Originally posted on February 22, 2005

“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Him be the glory forever. Amen.” Romans 11:36

Could there be a more succinct yet all-encompassing statement on the connection of all things to God?

From Him– God is the creator of all things. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” Genesis 1:1 tells us. From the first verse the affirmation of the Bible is that God is the Creator.

Through Him– God keeps all things in existence through His power and for His purposes. “In Him all things are held together.” (Colossians 1:17)

To Him– The end goal of all things is glory to God.

If there is one great truth at the foundation of our worldview that shapes our lives as Christians on a daily basis, it is that there is a God connection to all things because God is the creator of all things.

In the realm of morality and money, family and friends, work and play, God has a will and way for us to live. Christians are not to divide our lives into sacred and secular categories. When we do, we end up putting God in “His place” and setting ourselves up as lord of every other place in life. God is relegated to church and ministry, but in everything else, we are on our own.

This is no way to live! A biblical worldview sees God as Lord over everything because He is the creator of all things.

Working this truth out in real life is challenging and requires much prayer and wisdom. The way is not always easy to discern, but we must exercise spiritual mind muscle to do so. We must walk in decisive obedience to God’s purposes in every area of life. This is what Jesus meant when He prayed that we would be “sanctified in truth” (John 17:17).

Finally, let me add that one reason Christians do not know much of the joy Jesus prayed we would know (John 17:13) is because we have not taken the “all things” plunge. We are still holding out, keeping God at a safe distance by keeping Him in the safe places of our lives. But what joy we are missing when we do so?

Take the plunge. Give a full day to making the God connection in all things in your life. Then do it again the next day, and the next. Soon, you will find rivers of joy flooding your soul (John 7:38).

Pastor Scott